Yoga for Public Speaking and Natural Soapmaking for Beginners: Free Nonfiction eBooks

Natural Soapmaking For Beginners: Learn To Make Soap From Scratch by Sandra Burrows: Have You Always Wanted To Make Your Own Soaps? Now you can! People want to live healthier lives and now you can take a step closer to being more healthy and ensuring your family is healthier in these troubling times. You’ll read detailed recipes and step-by-step instructions and see lovely pictures of luscious soaps you can make right at home!

This book is Free on June 10, 2022


Off-Grid Solar Power for Beginners on KindleOff-Grid Solar Power for Beginners on Kindle

Off-Grid Solar Power for Beginners by DIY SOURCE: Solar Power for Beginners uses stepwise instructions, tons of real-life examples, and various schematics that make your solar learning life easier. DIY SOURCE authors have consulted with numerous mobile solar power DIYers, electrical and photovoltaics engineers, and off-grid solar professionals to prepare a solar guide to power your adventures.

This book is Free on June 10, 2022


Yoga for Public Speaking by Margie Newman: Professional speaking coach and yoga teacher Margie Newman guides you through breath, movement, and meditation techniques to improve your onstage presence, face your fears, and deliver your best. Includes strategies to deal with “in the moment” nerves as you take the stage as well as ways to become a more calm and confident speaker over time.

This book is Free on June 10, 2022


Unlocking the Deep Brain by Jason McClain: If You’re Struggling With Finding the Motivation to Stay Focused, Achieving Your Goals, and Being Efficient, Then Keep Reading! Function at Your Peak and Know That There’s Nothing That Can Hold You Back. You’ll learn about the different areas of the brain and how they impact your daily life. And most importantly, you’ll get actionable steps to start making progress right away.

This book is Free on June 10, 2022


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