Countless Lessons and Short Stories: Free Literary Fiction eBooks

Tranquility: A Village of Hope on KindleTranquility: A Village of Hope on Kindle

Tranquility: A Village of Hope by Ken Luball: “Tranquility: A Village of Hope” is located in the Canadian Rocky Mountains where a young girl named Monique was born and raised by the residents of this small community and their neighboring First Nations village. Having been surrounded by these enlightened individuals, Monique learns countless lessons of love she shares with us.

This book is Free on July 2, 2022


Hard Travel: Stories on KindleHard Travel: Stories on Kindle

Hard Travel: Stories by Lesley Krueger: In this critically-acclaimed short story collection, travellers set out for someplace new and end up confronting themselves. As Thomas à Kempis put it, “They who travel seldom come home holy.”

This book is Free on July 2, 2022

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books

Distorted Days on KindleDistorted Days on Kindle

Distorted Days by Louise Worthington: A tale of transformation and friendship which Kirkus Review describes as “a formidable work.” Beautifully written about characters you’ll want to get to know. Once you’ve met Doris and her friends, you won’t forget them. These are ordinary people affected by events that challenge many of us – but the way in which they respond to them is ultimately heart-warming and totally memorable.

This book is Free on July 2, 2022


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