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Face Fitness: The 10 Minute Face Lift on Kindle

Face Fitness: The 10 Minute Face Lift by Gregory Landsman: Face Fitness features proven, medically endorsed facial yoga exercises and massages that take years off the face naturally. Discover how to strengthen facial muscles – tighten the neck and jawline; plump out forehead worry lines; minimise lines around the mouth; reduce jowls; tone cheeks; and reduce eye wrinkles. All it takes is 10 minutes a day.

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Overcoming My Mother's Addictions on Kindle

Overcoming My Mother’s Addictions by Deb Birdsall & Lili Birdsall: A true story of an 11-year old girl who has experienced trauma & still shares her life lessons. Must-read for those raising grandchildren, struggling with addiction, or working with children of trauma. “For the love of God, we need to protect and love our little ones. This is not just a book, it’s an intervention. Get it. Have it ready. Pass it on.”

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Bowling Through India: Five Backyard Cricketers Chase Glory on Kindle

Bowling Through India: Five Backyard Cricketers Chase Glory by Justin Brown: An instant bestseller upon release, Bowling Through India is a book about travel, humor, mateship, and the love of cricket that unites people whatever their age, race, and station. It has been dubbed an endearing and affecting read. Most importantly, Justin’s wife loved the story – and she hates cricket.

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Anti-Inflammatory Diet Cookbook: Reduce Inflammation and Say Goodbye to Chronic Pain With Recipes to Keep You Full and Healthy on Kindle

Anti-Inflammatory Diet Cookbook: Reduce Inflammation and Say Goodbye to Chronic Pain With Recipes to Keep You Full and Healthy by Julia Hensley: You will learn about the effects food can have on your body and the importance of focusing on and including nutrient-dense foods in your diet.

This book is Free on July 21, 2022


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