Social Anxiety and Managing Experiences: Free Self Help and How To eBooks

How to Become Emotionally Smarter on Kindle

How to Become Emotionally Smarter by Noah William Smith: The book covers concepts from A to Z to help you become emotionally smarter. The emotionally smarter you become, the more skills you may have to feel emotionally lighter! By learning how to manage your emotional experiences, you learn how to live well. The more emotionally mature you become, the wiser you become at selecting the right people and experiences for you.

This book is Free on July 31, 2022


Pegs To Hang An Action On on Kindle

Pegs To Hang An Action On by Jim Boyd: Pegs To Hang An Action On is a book of keywords, non-lexical definitions, aphorisms, humor, quotations, proverbs, lyrics, and verse that can motivate one to act, whether this action entails understanding one’s circumstances or changing them. Action is life’s constant call. It is the trying that removes the doubt that theory cannot solve.

This book is Free on July 31, 2022


Positive Social Skills for Teens: A Practical Guide for Teens to Boost Their Self-Confidence and Build Meaningful Connections for a Happy Life (Life Mastery for Teens) on Kindle

Positive Social Skills for Teens: A Practical Guide for Teens to Boost Their Self-Confidence and Build Meaningful Connections for a Happy Life (Life Mastery for Teens) by Victoria Day: Are you tired of letting your social anxiety hold you back from achieving your goals and dreams? You might find this guidebook helpful if this describes you. Social skills can be learned and you can thrive in any social situation, whether you are shy or an introvert. Be magnetic in social situations and end social awkwardness once and for all!

This book is Free on July 31, 2022


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