New Adventures and Sharing Feelings: Free Children’s eBooks

The Raven on Kindle

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe & Holly Michele: The Christmas Carol like never before! This Christmas join a young Edgar Allan Poe as he is visited by the raven. He soon finds out the raven is more of grave than of gravy when he’s whisked to his past, Christmas day, and Christmas yet to come!

This book is Free on December 6, 2022


Mishi and Mashi Go to Spain (Mishi and Mashi Visit Europe) on Kindle

Mishi and Mashi Go to Spain (Mishi and Mashi Visit Europe) by Mary George & Lisa Sacchi: Mishi and Mashi’s new adventure is sunny Spain! Come and join them to explore the glorious La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, the peaceful Retiro Park in Madrid, or the glorious Palace Alcazar in Seville. The girls also dance hot flamenco in beautiful dresses and learn about the bullfighting tradition. There is also a special surprise for Mishi’s birthday.

This book is Free on December 6, 2022


Jacky & Raff and the Truth about “Mine” (Jacky & Raff Book 2) on Kindle

Jacky & Raff and the Truth about “Mine” (Jacky & Raff Book 2) by Viki de Lieme & Maria Burobkina: What if all children knew that sharing toys is just like sharing feelings, and it doesn’t mean giving them away?

This book is Free on December 6, 2022


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