Talking Kangaroos and Perilous Journeys: Free Young Adult eBooks

Elizabeth (Part 1) on Kindle

Elizabeth (Part 1) by Dallin Newell: A talking kangaroo wants to know where she came from. She sets off on a perilous journey with her adopted brother, Calvin, while her adoptive father, Mel, and his crony boss, Andrew, follow after her.

This book is Free on January 21, 2023


Elizabeth (Part 2) on Kindle

Elizabeth (Part 2) by Dallin Newell: Elizabeth and Calvin continue their journey through the outback of Western Australia and come across an MMA fighting kangaroo named Brody, his mentor, Jirra, and a man who holds them and makes her part of his event, named Tony in this action-packed second installment. Mel isn’t far behind, and neither are Andrew or his mercenaries.

This book is Free on January 21, 2023


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