Daring Break-Ins and Spellbinding Tales: Free Young Adult eBooks

Magic and the Shinigami Detective (The Case Files of Henri Davenforth Book 1) on Kindle

Magic and the Shinigami Detective (The Case Files of Henri Davenforth Book 1) by Honor Raconteur: When the Night Foxes boldly break into the Fourth Precinct’s Evidence Building, it causes quite the stir. The break-in is daring enough, but their method shreds the magical wards and protections on the building. To say the police are ‘alarmed’ by this is the understatement of the century.

This book is Free on April 27, 2023


Veil Rising (Tales of a Teenage Saint Volume 1) on Kindle

Veil Rising (Tales of a Teenage Saint Volume 1) by Joshua M Moore: Percy Jackson meets Supernatural in this spellbinding tale of friendship, young love, and stopping a magical apocalypse.

This book is Free on April 27, 2023


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