New Powers and Magical Realism: Free Science Fiction and Fantasy eBooks

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The Past Trader by A.M. Donohoo: Tallie abandons her lover to speculate on THE NAPALM TRADE – a lucrative “pasts option” (as opposed to a futures option) that will modify time, making Napalm more deadly in the present. Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the son of her financial mentor heads to the frontline to bring javelin missiles into the war. A highly original magical realism thriller.

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Trial of the Alchemist on KindleTrial of the Alchemist on Kindle

Trial of the Alchemist by Trevor Melanson: Fantasy meets mystery in this mind-bending, standalone gaslamp novel. For readers who enjoy rich prose and unexpected twists — with a dash of adventure and romance. Think “Inception” meets “The Night Circus.” Ranked one of the 20 Best Completed Stories on Royal Road.

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Leela Meets Leela by Amit Yaduvanshi: This story is about Queen Leela and King Padma, with a twist on the ending. They lead an idyllic life, but as they age Leela fears he might die first, in which case her own life would be intolerable. So she does tapas to Goddess Saraswati and obtains the boon to have her husband’s spirit always with her…

This book is Free on May 7, 2023


The Prescott Legacy by Robert Sounvonnakasy: Simon’s ordinary life takes a miraculous turn when he discovers his gift: healing people with just a simple touch. As he navigates this new power, an ominous darkness threatens Seattle, putting Simon’s abilities to the ultimate test. Will he rise up to save the city or be consumed by an unimaginable fate?

This book is Free on May 7, 2023


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