Deep Friendships and Changed Feelings: Free Religion eBooks

The Battle (Cross Intents Book 3) by S. R. Wells: In The Birth and The Baptism, the first two books in the Cross Intents trilogy, the angel captain Elric keeps the King hidden until He is ready to begin His campaign. In The Battle, Elric must protect the King in full view of the enemy. The great mystery finally unfolds, and its impact reaches farther than any could have imagined.

This book is Free on May 22, 2023


The Near-Death Experience of Justin Parks by R.A. Williams: A life-altering near-death experience not only changes Justin’s feelings toward God but also warns him of a potentially terrifying future that must be averted at any cost. Inspired by Imagine Heaven, by Pastor John Burke, this story is a supernaturally suspenseful tale of renewed faith, forgiveness, and finding love again when all hope seems lost.

This book is Free on May 22, 2023


Friendship with God (Book 1) by Jamie Moore: Do you ever feel like something is missing in your relationship with God? Perhaps you’ve read the Bible, gone to church, and prayed, but you still feel disconnected and dissatisfied. The good news is that deep friendship with God is not only possible – it’s why He created you. This book, “Friendship with God” will help you find out how today!

This book is Free on May 22, 2023


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