Irreverent Humor and Situations in Life: Free Literary Fiction eBooks

A Tango to Life (Volume 1) by Emma Yohros McDannold: A Tango to Life is a collection of books that bring to light the many situations in Life. Sadness, happiness, anger, confusion; Just about every emotion or situation. Just like a tango, we need to twist and turn, dip and whip to the many challenges and situations in life. At the end of the day, life is a dance, and I hope you tango to it!

This book is Free on June 4, 2023


Mr. Pizza by J. F. Pandolfi: Tony Piza wants a “paid vacation” for a year after college. So he tries teaching in a Catholic school. Delusional much? His pathetic effort makes him look bad, crimps his love life, and leaves him feeling guilty. Switching gears, his irreverent humor makes him a hit with his kids—but not the higher-ups. A showdown is inevitable. Can he survive it?

This book is Free on June 4, 2023


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