Tests of Faith and Unlocking Opportunities: Free Religion eBooks

A Better Way to Homeschool for Today’s Christian Family by Asoneth Matara: Launch Your Child Beyond The Books into a Bright, Shining Future! Unlock a world of opportunities beyond textbooks to prepare your child for success in life through non-academic pursuits like the arts, sports, and other passions that set their heart ablaze. Focus on character, success habits, and a burning love for learning, not completing tasks!

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Walking On Water: Five Ingredients for Living Through Life’s Toughest Challenges by Ruben Narváez Garcia: With cancer and having been a Christian for nearly 30 years, it was time for the biggest test of faith. He began to live as if every day was his last, enjoying life like never before. In making the best of his last month, he stopped everything so he could spend quality time with his loved ones and began traveling to places he’d only dreamt of.

This book is Free on August 29, 2023


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