All the Pretty Boys by Jay Castelletti: In a place where innocence goes to die and darkness reigns supreme, All The Pretty Boys is a haunting tale of a teenager’s fight for redemption and escape, set against a backdrop of neon-lit chaos and the relentless spree of a killer who preys on the city’s most vulnerable souls.
This book is Free on September 26, 2023
The Witch And The Guillotine (The Lives Of Lilly Parris Book 2) by Daniel Sugar: After narrowly escaping the horrors of the Salem witch trials, Lilly Parris comes of age in 18th-century France, where she is pampered by Louis XVI, and pursued by one of history’s greatest fiends: Maximilien Robespierre – the monster who sent thousands of innocent men, women, and children to the guillotine. “The Witch and the Guillotine” is a fast-paced, brand-new take on the French Revolution.
This book is Free on September 26, 2023