Building Wealth and True Stories: Free Nonfiction eBooks
The Parts We Don’t Talk About!: My Life as a Doctor, Patient, & Caregiver by Simarta Brennan Prescod: It is a true story of Dr. Simarta’s journey of acceptance and discovery in how to pivot, how to reinvent, and how to adapt. The book teaches how to go from surviving to thriving. It highlights biases during medical training, inequality while seeking professional growth, pregnancy, and the treatment of doctors living with chronic diseases, like MS.
This book is Free on November 10, 2023
The Capitalism Survival Guide: Your Path to Financial Mastery and Personal Fulfillment by Yvon Serov: “What is credit? How do I invest? How do I get a job? What about building a career, budgeting, getting rich and all the rest? Come to think of it, how come I never learned any of this in school?” This Capitalism Survival Guide shows you how it all works in under 150 pages. Let’s get started.
This book is Free on November 10, 2023
Medicinal Herbs: The Essential Guide to Growing and Using Plants to Promote Healing by Halle Malin: Are you a herbal enthusiast seeking natural remedies to restore your health? This book empowers you with information on traditional healing practices to help manage health issues, support ailments, and enhance your overall well-being. Medicinal Herbs explores herbal energetics, traditions, and the practical integration of herbs into daily life.
This book is Free on November 10, 2023
Beyond Debt: A Blueprint To Financial Freedom by Victor Stroia: “Beyond Debt” is a guide aimed at helping you achieve financial freedom. It covers a wide range of topics, from understanding the psychology of debt to practical steps for debt elimination and wealth building. The book includes actionable advice, real-life examples, and exercises to engage you in your journey toward financial well-being.
This book is Free on November 10, 2023
Shadow Work Journal and Workbook by Victoria Stevens: This journal workbook is the perfect self-help project for you to learn about the therapeutic method of Shadow Work. Using affirmations and writing prompts alongside well-researched information, the book motivates you to give the best possible objective outlook on how to work on your inner self. Most people grow up with some kind of early life trauma.
This book is Free on November 10, 2023
We Don’t Want YOU, Uncle Sam: Examining the Military Recruiting Crisis with Generation Z by Matthew Weiss: As we honor our veterans on this day, military recruiters are struggling to bring enough Zoomers into the armed services. Mismatched fundamental ideals, divergent beliefs about the workplace, and other sociocultural influences have contributed to the United States military scrambling to get a grasp on how to appeal to Gen Z. Please support the author by leaving a positive Amazon review!
This book is Free on November 10, 2023
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