Bird of Paradise by Emily Hughes Johnson & Marilyn Anne Hughes: A family saga that follows the story of a young girl forced to learn that to find life’s passionate beauty one must often overcome immeasurable pain. Gripped by guilt & fear, Ari embarks on a decade long journey of self discovery. She never expected to find him along the way, but theirs could be a love story that began generations ago.
This book is Free on December 16, 2023
The Perpetual Circadian Rhythm by Jared Griffin: Art must work through the fact that his head is full of marbles, losing said marbles, and up his butt if he’s going to have a chance at surviving these adventures with Claire.
This book is Free on December 16, 2023
Up the Creek by Jared Griffin: A superstorm gives Isiyo a second chance at life. If he, Emma, and his group can’t cooperate, the storm and the two-legged monsters within will be coming to collect said life.
This book is Free on December 16, 2023