Nascent: The Umbora Chronicles by Mark J Musser: A momentous battle between good and evil raged across the heavens. Struck down, the author of chaos fell like lightning to the earth bent on vengeance. For millennia, his followers openly sowed the seeds of confusion, doubt, and disbelief, desiring to lead all of humanity astray. Yet, now, an even more sinister plan grows in the shadows, waiting to step from the darkness and snuff out the light.
This book is Free on May 18, 2024
About a hidden Garden by Werner Langer: Our mind is the busiest place in the world and like a gardener, we have an urgent need to cultivate this precious piece of property. This book is aimed at the Christian reader but nevertheless offers much wisdom for living to those curious about life. One hundred and eleven stories are offered for daily reflection and enrichment of the mind.
This book is Free on May 18, 2024