The Full Gospel of Jesus Christ and The Way: Free Religion eBooks

The Full Gospel of Jesus Christ: Restoring the Balance of Jesus as Savior and Lord by Henry Bechthold: Uncover the forgotten half of the Gospel! Many churches preach grace but ignore the call to obedience and holiness. This powerful book challenges believers to embrace Jesus as both Savior and Lord, revealing the true demands of discipleship and unlocking the strength and victory promised in Scripture.

This book is Free on June 18, 2024


The Way: Meaningful Spirituality for a Modern World by Larry Jordan: “The Way” integrates religion and science and reconciles Eastern and Western worldviews, confirming with the mystics and the scientists that everyone is related, and everything is connected. The book is open-hearted and open-minded, thought-provoking and well-written. “The Way” was named a Silver winner in the 2024 Nautilus Book Awards.

This book is Free on June 18, 2024


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