The Skies Over Lisandra and Melodie: Free LGBTQ eBooks

The Skies Over Lisandra on Kindle

The Skies Over Lisandra by David Angelo: Unleash the Magic with The Skies Over Lisandra, a spellbinding saga of love, betrayal, and redemption. Follow Princess Anastasia, reborn as a formidable dragon, on a quest to overthrow tyranny alongside her childhood love and a mysterious witch.

This book is Free on June 19, 2024


Melodie on Kindle

Melodie by Charlie Godwyne: On a dark night, Georg flees the only home he has ever known, leaving rural Bavaria forever behind and intending to restart his life somewhere else. His luck runs out when he falls asleep on the train and wakes up in Vienna, Austria, where he meets a musician who wanders a magical garden and speaks to the trees. A magical & spiritual MM romance.

This book is Free on June 19, 2024


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