Hills of Moab and A Fresh Look at Living Forever: Free Religion eBooks

Hills of Moab

Hills of Moab by Elizabeth Faye: In the ancient hills of Moab, Ruth renounces her gods, after witnessing the harsh realities of sacrificial worship. As Orpah battles feelings of worthlessness, Naomi grapples with faith after her family relocates from Bethlehem. Meanwhile, Boaz’s growing prosperity sparks fear among the self-appointed leaders–all due to his mother’s history.

This book is Free on December 21, 2024


A Fresh Look at Living Forever

A Fresh Look at Living Forever by Donald L. Thomas: The purpose of this book is to answer the question of why you are here and what is your purpose from a spiritual point of view. This book address who and what GOD is, why we were made mortal and what it takes to receive eternal life. The book, also, exposes some of the misinformation circulating as true spiritual beliefs when they are not.

This book is Free on December 21, 2024


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