Meaningful Connections and Opportunities for Growth: Free Nonfiction eBooks

Pandemonial DynamicsPandemonial Dynamics

Pandemonial Dynamics by Stephen Euin Cobb: Using a new particle defined as one unit of Plank’s constant, Stephen Euin Cobb’s “Pandemonial Dynamics” proposes a novel theory of everything. Billions of times smaller than a proton, this new particle is the sole component of all matter and energy, from electrons to galactic super clusters.

This book is Free on January 8, 2025


I Don't Think They Heard Me: Suicide Notes and Letters by the Reknowned and InfamousI Don't Think They Heard Me: Suicide Notes and Letters by the Reknowned and Infamous

I Don’t Think They Heard Me: Suicide Notes and Letters by the Reknowned and Infamous by Brian Whitney: Sometimes people are ready to leave. When they do, many write down their last thoughts in an attempt to gain understanding, revenge, or sympathy. What follows is a collection of suicide notes and letters written by authors, actors, artists, musicians, athletes, and murderers. Written by Aaron Hernandez, Jerry Kasinski, Hunter S, Thompson, Virginia Woolf, Kurt Cobain, O.J. Simpson and more.

This book is Free on January 8, 2025


Am I Avoidantly Attached?: Unlocking Avoidant Attachment (Heal & Thrive Book 2)Am I Avoidantly Attached?: Unlocking Avoidant Attachment (Heal & Thrive Book 2)

Am I Avoidantly Attached?: Unlocking Avoidant Attachment (Heal & Thrive Book 2) by Natalie Archer: Do you find yourself pulling away when relationships get too close? Are you constantly seeking independence, even at the cost of meaningful connections? If so, you might have an avoidant attachment style. But don’t worry–this isn’t a life sentence. It’s an opportunity for growth and transformation.

This book is Free on January 8, 2025


TOXICITY: Let’s Finally Do Something About It! by Bryan Hughes: Companies across the globe struggle with associate retention and toxicity. Discussions of these challenges fill up our social media and business magazines worldwide. Yet, many efforts to fix these problems seem to only work temporarily, perhaps solving for the short term, but inevitably leading to more toxicity down the road.

This book is Free on January 8, 2025


Baby Sign Language 101: 50 Effective and Simple Signs You Can Use to Start Communicating with Your Baby Now by New Parents Life Press: Turn those moments of frustration, into moments of insight. This book simplifies learning sign language for both you and your child, with 50 easy-to-use signs you can start using right away. From “Dance” to “Run” to “Play” to explaining what the “Sun” is, this book covers the most common signs you can use in your day-to-day lives, following the ASL and BSL frameworks.

This book is Free on January 8, 2025


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