Post-Apocalyptic Worlds and Missing Crews: Free Science Fiction eBooks


Maiden by Charles Brass: She wakes from hibernation to find herself alone, injured, and her Creator’s rebellion lost. Her only hope lies in an alliance with former enemies to escape their captivity. But her true enemies have learned of her existence. Now, her decisions will determine her future and the fate of all humanity trapped under the oppressive rule of the Brethren.

This book is Free on January 16, 2025


Tentacles and Teeth (Land of Szornyek Book 1)Tentacles and Teeth (Land of Szornyek Book 1)

Tentacles and Teeth (Land of Szornyek Book 1) by Ariele Sieling: In a post-apocalyptic world filled with monsters, Askari is sent on a mission alone. But the more she sees, the more she realizes something more sinister than any monster is waiting out there. And it’s looking for her.

This book is Free on January 16, 2025

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Red Storm (Mars Series, Book 1)Red Storm (Mars Series, Book 1)

Red Storm (Mars Series, Book 1) by Frank Luna: American Commander “Mac” MacTavish and his crew are wrapping up their mission at Mars Base. Suddenly, all communication with Earth is lost. Unsure if it is safe to return home, Mac decides to wait for the arrival of Mars 3 and the relief crew already en route from Earth. When Mars 3 lands at the base, there is no one onboard. The crew is missing!

This book is Free on January 16, 2025


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