Perfectly Sunny and The Three Bears, Blondie, and Their Spaghetti: Free Children’s eBooks

Perfectly Sunny: A Big-Hearted Hedgehog Finds Her Forever HomePerfectly Sunny: A Big-Hearted Hedgehog Finds Her Forever Home

Perfectly Sunny: A Big-Hearted Hedgehog Finds Her Forever Home by Tricia Easter: “Perfectly Sunny” is a fun and inspirational book for kids (and adults) that redefines what perfect really means. Inspired by the sweetest real-life three-legged hedgehog named Sunny, this book is a lesson for little ones on self-love and self-worth. It’s what’s in their hearts that makes them perfect.

This book is Free on January 26, 2025


The Three Bears, Blondie, and Their SpaghettiThe Three Bears, Blondie, and Their Spaghetti

The Three Bears, Blondie, and Their Spaghetti by Melissa M. Burch: The Three Bears and Blondie come together. Mistakes are made. Lessons are learned. Friendships are built. And a neighborhood is brought together. A modern twist on a timeless fairytale, recreated to include an iconic childhood meal.

This book is Free on January 26, 2025


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