Where We Belong and I’ve Been Waiting For You: Free Women’s Fiction eBooks

Where We Belong (Teton Mountain Series Book 1)

Where We Belong (Teton Mountain Series Book 1) by Kellie Coates Gilbert: Charlie Grace juggles life in Thunder Mountain, Wyoming while managing Teton Trails Guest Ranch. Her biggest headache? A stubborn father who hires her cheating ex-husband. Frustrated, she turns to her girlfriends for advice, but unexpected wisdom comes from a rugged TV producer staying at the ranch—one who just might be the key to her happiness.

This book is Free on February 17, 2025

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I've Been Waiting For You

I’ve Been Waiting For You by Elaine Robertson North: Esther and her brother Matt grew up with a violent criminal father and suffered the loss of their mother as teens. Adulthood gave Esther the confidence to cut all ties with their father, Dave, but unbeknown to her, Matt is paying the price for her freedom, sucked into a criminal life by Dave to keep his sister safe and to guard a terrible secret.

This book is Free on February 17, 2025


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