Unlocking Your Potential and Fundamental Principles: Free Nonfiction eBooks
The Souls of Queer Folk: How Understanding LGBTQ+ Culture Can Transform Your Leadership Practice by Joel Davis Brown: You’d be hard-pressed to find a leader who doesn’t want to be better. Yet, at a time when leaders are being asked to do more with fewer resources, modern professionals are having a difficult time leading in a distinctive, powerful, and transformative way.
This book is Free on May 9, 2023
Rise Above It: The Power of Self-Love and Self-Acceptance by Anna Belle: Unlock, unleash, and wield your full potential with Rise Above It: The Power of Self-Love and Self-Acceptance — every woman’s complete and trusted guide for cherishing and empowering the amazing, brilliant, powerful you. Inside, you’ll discover practical, effective, and timeless advice to own your true beauty – inside and out! Bring out the best in yourself!
This book is Free on May 9, 2023
101 Ways To Know If Your Cat Is Italian (The Cats of The World Book 5) by Seamus Mullarkey: This is the ideal book for those in the mood for a funny cat book with an Italian theme. This delightful book of vintage black-and-white photographs and entertaining captions is sure to make you laugh out loud. So, go ahead, find out if your cat is actually Italian… It’s a great gift for birthdays and any time you want an original gift for a cat lover.
This book is Free on May 9, 2023
Resistance Bands For Seniors 50, 60 and Beyond by David O’Connor: Resistance band training is a safe and inexpensive method for seniors to retain/regain muscle mass that the years and sedentary lifestyle try to rob us of! The author, a Personal Trainer with decades of experience, has crafted a book that allows anyone to achieve gym-quality results easily from home.
This book is Free on May 9, 2023
I See What You’re Thinking (The Successful Introverts Guide Series Book 2) by Brendan Paul: Communication has several nonverbal signals accounting for a significant amount. Yet, for my fellow introverts, we miss so much due to our natural inclination to prefer solitude or small groups. However, if you want to change things up and learn something new, this book provides answers to what the body says despite what people say. Look & see!
This book is Free on May 9, 2023
Humane Physics by Francis Mont: It describes the evolution of the science of Physics from the human perspective: biographical sketches, stories of discovery, and fundamental principles. The book is a serious study, with lots of details but no math in the first two-thirds of the book. This book has helped high school and college students to understand the science of physics.
This book is Free on May 9, 2023