Leading with Integrity and Traveling the World: Free Nonfiction eBooks
From Failing to Phenomenal: The Story of WSFS 1985 to 1996 by Marvin ‘Skip’ Schoenhals & Brittany Kriegstein: Important to the current economic situation, this is the nail-biting story of that journey — a behind-the-scenes look at events that have never been shared publicly. Authored by Marvin ‘Skip’ Schoenhals, retired Chairman, President, and CEO of WSFS Financial Corporation, with substantial assistance from Brittany Kriegstein, a professional journalist based in New York City.
This book is Free on April 19, 2023
The Furnace of Leadership Development: How to Mold Integrity and Character in Today’s World by Rick Davis: Discover how to become a successful leader with integrity and character in today’s world with “The Furnace of Leadership Development” by Rick Davis, offering practical guidance on developing integrity, building trust, making tough decisions, and embracing chaos in decision-making, backed by engaging stories and real-life examples.
This book is Free on April 19, 2023
Small Talk Made Simple: 31 Techniques to Avoid Social Anxiety and Lead Genuine Conversations by Sidney Neel: Small Talk Made Simple is a comprehensive guide to the art of small talk, revealing its hidden potential as a powerful tool for building relationships and opening up new opportunities. With practical tips, real-world examples, and exercises to put the concepts into practice, this book offers readers the tools and insights they need to master the art of small talk and succeed in all areas of life.
This book is Free on April 19, 2023
The Ultimate Norwegian Cookbook: 111 Dishes From Norway To Cook Right Now by Slavka Bodic: Surprise yourself, your friends, or your family. It is time to cook something new. Be ready for your taste buds to sing. Visit Norway with this amazing cookbook!
This book is Free on April 19, 2023
The Ultimate Belgian Cookbook: 111 Dishes From Belgium To Cook Right Now by Slavka Bodic: Eating is what all of us have in common, and we all love to do it well. Plus, food is the easiest way to explore an amazing Belgian culture. Are you a fan of an authentic Belgian kitchen?
This book is Free on April 19, 2023
You Are Eternal: Infinite Tomorrows Await You by Stephen Hawley Martin: The author explains that you are an eternal spiritual being that is temporarily residing in a kind of spacesuit — aka a human body — that enables you to operate in this reality, and there are other realities where you will go when your spacesuit wears out. He also explains that you possess undreamed power, but just don’t know it. Read and find out.
This book is Free on April 19, 2023
Mindful Parenting for Autistic Children (Mindful Parenting Book 2) by Catherine L. Abbott: Parenting a child with autism is hard on the whole family, and as the primary caregiver, you’re the one whose mental health is most under pressure. “Mindful Parenting for Autistic Children” is the perfect book for anyone who wants to understand Autism Spectrum Disorder on a deeper level and know exactly how to overcome the challenges it comes with by having proven techniques and activities.
This book is Free on April 19, 2023
A Wild Ride: Memoir of a Teacher and Coach Working with Families in Military Communities Abroad by Ross Calvert: The true story of college sweethearts and educators who traveled the world and lived in nine different countries. It was an exotic life, but they managed to keep the family grounded and made sure to re-immerse themselves in America after their oldest daughter left to attend college in the United States.
This book is Free on April 19, 2023