
Experiencing Burnout and Self-Discovery Adventures: Free Nonfiction eBooks

The Pragmatist's Guide to Governance on Kindle

The Pragmatist’s Guide to Governance by Simone Collins & Malcolm Collins: This book will be uniquely useful to anyone: Scaling a company, Setting up a nonprofit, Establishing a family office, Trying to win a power struggle or overcome bullying, Instigating a revolution with the goal of building a new nation-state, Navigating an organization in which they’re forced to operate (e.g., a business or university).

This book is Free on February 15, 2023


The Human-Animal Connection: Deepening Relationships with Animals and Ourselves on Kindle

The Human-Animal Connection: Deepening Relationships with Animals and Ourselves by Genie Joseph: Honoring animal wisdom makes us better people. The 33 Principles guide your journey of self-discovery through respecting animal wisdom and embracing your “animality.” Journal questions and a workbook with practice exercises are included. It is time to embrace the joy, healing, and sense of purpose that comes from profound connections with animals.

This book is Free on February 15, 2023


Lipstick, Life & Motorcycles on Kindle

Lipstick, Life & Motorcycles by Jack Monig: An epic motorcycle ride through 15 countries took Jack Monig across as many internal as political borders. Hurled headfirst into a career block, she decided at middle age to go full throttle on an adventure of self-discovery while circumnavigating the globe in four months.

This book is Free on February 15, 2023


Keep Your Cool When Parenting Teens on Kindle

Keep Your Cool When Parenting Teens by David Skiddy: As parents, your number one goal is to prepare your children to leave the nest and flourish independently. And let’s face it – you only have a few more years to teach your teen everything they need to know before they take on the world as young adults. Discover what you need to know about parenting now for your teen to have success later.

This book is Free on February 15, 2023


Who We Met on the Way to Stanford on Kindle

Who We Met on the Way to Stanford by Richard Sinay: This is a memoir of a father who raised a talented athlete (a golfer) who won a scholarship to Stanford. The story details the events leading up to and including the four years at Stanford. It is a story that demonstrates the commitment made by parents for the child to accomplish that goal. It is, at the same time, a heartbreaking story of success and failure.

This book is Free on February 15, 2023


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Land Without Shame: Free Religion eBook

Land Without Shame (The Cody Musket Series Book 4) on Kindle

Land Without Shame (The Cody Musket Series Book 4) by James Nathaniel Miller II: 2022 Readers Favorite Silver Medal Award Winner! A sensational romantic thriller. The rescue of sixty trafficked kids on a remote Caribbean Island is in jeopardy when a volcano suddenly erupts, threatening to destroy the island. “A very well written, gripping, densely packed thriller that had you periodically laughing out loud.”- Readers Favorite.

This book is Free on February 15, 2023


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Empowering Stories and Teaching ABCs: Free Children’s eBooks

Facts About The Harbor Seal on Kindle

Facts About The Harbor Seal by Lisa Strattin: Best-Selling Children’s Author, Lisa Strattin, offers a book in her Picture Books for Kids Series as a free download today on Amazon. You will enjoy sharing facts and photographs with your children or grandchildren in this great Facts for Kids Book. Kids love to read about Seals! Sign up for the newsletter and get another free book!

This book is Free on February 15, 2023


Preschool Books: Learning Your ABC in a 'Green' World on Kindle

Preschool Books: Learning Your ABC in a ‘Green’ World by Naomi Shoshani: Parents and teachers can both use this book to teach their children the ABCs and finally, how to read. Children will enjoy the short little stories aimed at reminding us of the need to look after our beautiful planet.

This book is Free on February 15, 2023


Mr. Body and Mr. Feeling on Kindle

Mr. Body and Mr. Feeling by Shira Shaked: Based on Shira Shaked’s Five Steps to Relief (FSTR) method, this bright, empowering story will help teach children aged 4 to 10 the essential skill of managing their emotions.

This book is Free on February 15, 2023


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Mira Michaels Cozy Mystery Series

Cats and Catnapping (Mira Michaels Cozy Mysteries Book 1) on Kindle

Cats and Catnapping (Mira Michaels Cozy Mysteries Book 1) by Julia Koty: Mira Michaels finally calls her old life quits. She moves out of her psychic sister’s house and is on the road to her new life. Her trip to Pennsylvania starts simply, even if her cat, Arnold, can’t stop backseat driving. She refuses to accept that she can hear his kitty voice, until the radio refuses to work.

This book is Free on February 14, 2023


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Peculiar Mysteries and Romances Mystery Series

You've Got Tail (Peculiar Mysteries and Romances Book 1) on Kindle

You’ve Got Tail (Peculiar Mysteries and Romances Book 1) by Renee George: Moving from California to a small town called Peculiar in the Ozark’s with my BFF Chavvah Trimmel should’ve been a total fun-fest. But then her older brother goes missing and our plans are put on hold. That is until she mysteriously texts me for help before going completely radio-silent.

This book is Free on February 14, 2023


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Detective Clara Jefferies Thriller Series

The Fallen Girls (Detective Clara Jefferies Book 1) on Kindle

The Fallen Girls (Detective Clara Jefferies Book 1) by Kathryn Casey: Detective Clara Jefferies thought she escaped her past — but when her little sister disappears, she has no choice but to return home. And 12-year-old Delilah isn’t the only missing girl in the quiet town of Alber, Utah… A completely addictive crime thriller that will leave your heart racing.

This book is Free on February 14, 2023

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Chronicles of Ealiron Fantasy Series

The Hunter's Rede (Chronicles of Ealiron Book 1) on Kindle

The Hunter’s Rede (Chronicles of Ealiron Book 1) by F.T. McKinstry: Lorth of Ostarin is a hunter of men. Lawless, solitary and obscure, he is trained in magic and its inherent order. This uneasy combination of pitilessness and structure has made him the highest paid assassin in the land. It is also about to throw his life into chaos.

This book is Free on February 14, 2023


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