High-Stakes Hilarity and Research Subjects: Free Science Fiction and Fantasy eBooks
Alpha Female (Wolf Harbor Book 1) by L.J. Breedlove: Professor Abby Stafford is tired. She’s burned out, middle-aged, and overweight. So when she’s offered a free summer at a fitness spa as a research subject? What did she have to lose? She even read the fine print — they may have left out a few side effects… First in the Wolf Harbor series, celebrating book 3’s release.
This book is Free on May 31, 2022
Rocket Repo (Reassembly Book 1) by C.P. James: Cocky pilot Geddy Starheart joins the crew of a creaky salvage trawler in order to find his stolen starship. Before long, he’s mixed up in an alien plot to end civilization, and high-stakes hilarity ensues. Rocket Repo is a fun, fast-paced adventure in the tradition of Galaxy Quest. Expect big themes, witty adult humor, and memorable characters.
This book is Free on May 31, 2022
Micah’s Quest (The Oberllyn’s Post-Terrestrial Generations Book 1) by J. Traveler Pelton: Autistic savants Micah Oberllyn and his friend Sir Alex Stevens have graduated and found their places in the Oberllyn family think tank. No one realized how serious their desire for space travel had become until they presented the family with a working ship. If you like space travel, horrible bad guys, and action, you need this book in your life!
This book is Free on May 31, 2022
Answer Man by Mark Donahue: David has lived in the US for a while – almost 200 years. He likes the Earth alright but sees the telltale signs that we have pretty much wrecked the joint given the rising sea levels, global warming, bad air, bad water, and a generally bad attitude that folks from other parts of the galaxy see as arrogant – even illegal in a galactic sort of way.
This book is Free on May 31, 2022