Stories and States: Free Literary Fiction eBooks
2025: The Divided States of America (The Oliver Cash Series) by Oliver Cash: Imagine the conspiracy of COVID-19, overlaid with the questionable 2020 election, as well as the current debacle that is our country and our economy of today. Imagine these issues as the background to a story where half of the main characters are liberal extremists who’ve accomplished what they’ve cried about for years—to run their own country.
This book is Free on May 27, 2024
The Story of Gunnar Hansen by John C. Dailey: Gunnar Hansen, aged 73, lost his wife, and thought the best way to reunite with her spiritually would be a three-week solo canoe trip. So he headed for the Quetico-Superior wilderness in northern Minnesota, and this is the unique setting for his uplifting adventure story as Gunnar tries to reconnect with his beloved Kathleen.
This book is Free on May 27, 2024
The Pam of Babylon Boxed Set (Books 2-5) by Suzanne Jenkins: Sandra Benson is fed up. After her lover dies, she’s cast aside, invisible, expected to fade into the background. She deserves more—a life of money and power just like Jack’s wife, the beautiful Pam Smith, takes for granted. When Jack has a heart attack on the train from Manhattan, his wife and two lovers discover secrets & lies, and each other.
This book is Free on May 27, 2024