Morality Tales and Heartbreaking Losses: Free Literary Fiction eBooks
The Shade Under the Mango Tree by Evy Journey: After two heartbreaking losses, Luna wants adventure. Something and somewhere very different from the affluent, sheltered home in California and Hawaii where she grew up. An adventure in which she can also make some difference. She travels to a foreign place where she gets more than she bargained for.
This book is Free on November 17, 2020
Brompton’s Punch by Blue Donahue: A debut novel by a best-selling author, now writing under the name Blue Donahue. Brompton’s Punch is a disturbing morality tale about a victim of violence who seeks to heal himself so he can be with the woman he loves. A tour-de-force of black humor, Brompton’s Punch entertains while provoking thought by questioning the very meaning of life.
This book is Free on November 17, 2020
One More Year (A Pedro the Water Dog Saves the Planet Primer Book 1) by Avis Kalfsbeek: You love the planet and strong, funny women. “Keep your stuff longer, people!” is Tilly’s mantra as she trains for an Ironman with her irreverent, tattooed, tequila-loving friend, Camas, maverick mountain bike guys, pirate Ike, and her water dog, Pedro, to convince people to curb their consumerism and give the planet and climate a fighting chance.
This book is Free on November 17, 2020