Transformative Journeys and Staying True: Free Literary Fiction eBooks
Clucked by Troy Hollan: In the wake of devastating losses, Matt embarks on a transformative journey. Leaving behind his past, he sails the seas with his faithful, impaired dog. Amidst adventures, he confronts the sinister Clawson Chicken Corp. and uncovers its horrors. With newfound allies, he fights for justice, redemption, and unexpected salvation.
This book is Free on December 1, 2023
Eagle by Dan Nimak: Salem tries to help the girl who doesn’t remember who she is or where she’s from, but he soon discovers it’s easier to find love than memories.
This book is Free on December 1, 2023
Brothers Sen Gogh by Manik Bal: He wanted to stay true to his art. It would cost him his sanity and his life. She wanted a life of dignity. It was a recipe for poverty and strife. The story honestly but delicately documents romances and passion of Soubhik and Sourav, their love for the craft, yet the desire to give a sane life to their loved ones.
This book is Free on December 1, 2023