
Beautiful Rhymes and Valuable Messages: Free Children’s eBooks

The Legend Crows on Kindle

The Legend Crows by Tom Prentice: In this rhyming picture book, the Legend Crows go on a special quest to make friends with all the other birds in the sky and learn some facts about them.

This book is Free on February 15, 2022


Stinkerton McPoo Goes to the Beach (Stinkerton McPoo Book 2) on Kindle

Stinkerton McPoo Goes to the Beach (Stinkerton McPoo Book 2) by Stephen Hodgkinson-Soto & Jotalumi Sketches: The second in the hilariously written and beautifully illustrated children’s book series about Stinkerton McPoo (the world’s stinkiest and gassiest dog). Kids everywhere are asking for their new favorite bedtime story with this beautiful rhyming series.

This book is Free on February 15, 2022


His Father’s Mustache (Give Me Space! Book 1) on Kindle

His Father’s Mustache (Give Me Space! Book 1) by Sigal Adler: Ziggy’s dad had a mustache, extra-long, it had shiny hairs, was healthy and strong. When it was cold, and snow hit the ground he wrapped his ‘stache like a scarf all around. When he left the house and said goodbye, the ‘stach left after an hour… and that’s no lie! This silly story develops the child’s imagination and teaches valuable messages in a humoristic way with fun rhymes!

This book is Free on February 15, 2022


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Strengthening Intuition and Looking Within: Free Religion eBooks

Falling Into All on Kindle

Falling Into All by Ben R. Teeter: Are you seeking a higher sense of Self? Falling into All is a meditation on the essence of knowing and the seeking of truth. It encourages you to look within and open a path to understanding, beauty, and truth. Awaken your mind and fall into the waiting divine.

This book is Free on February 12, 2022


Cosmic Messages from Angels on Kindle

Cosmic Messages from Angels by Richardo DeConto: Activate and strengthen your intuition and build a powerful consciously aware connection with your higher self. Unlock the numerological secrets of the high-frequency realm of the angelic beings. Connect to the higher dimensions and receive the cosmic messages that the angels have for you!

This book is Free on February 12, 2022


My Purpose: Become the Best You on Kindle

My Purpose: Become the Best You by Bruce Francois: In My Purpose: Become the Best You… Bruce Francois, engineer turned social entrepreneur, takes readers into an ontological journey of what it means to find true purpose in life. Readers will be inspired to dive into the enjoyment and expansiveness of discovering and operating in their purpose — to authentically live, joyfully serve, and experience a deep sense of meaning in life.

This book is Free on February 12, 2022


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Astonishing Power and God’s Love: Free Religion eBooks

More Love: Experiencing God's Love (The More Series Book 2) on Kindle

More Love: Experiencing God’s Love (The More Series Book 2) by Betsy Duffey: Free today – just in time for Valentine’s Day: More Love: Experiencing God’s Love. More Love provides 30 short exercises, prayers, and reflections to help you experience God’s love. For those who have never known God, those who desire a deeper connection with God, or those who feel unworthy of love, this book is for you.

This book is Free on February 10, 2022


Sixty-Five Roses (Amari Johnston Book 3) on Kindle

Sixty-Five Roses (Amari Johnston Book 3) by R. A. Williams: Cystic fibrosis is a progressive disease with no cure. And for one dying little girl with this illness, there is only one hope — an ancient Christian relic with an astonishing power to heal. Gold medal winner of the 2021 Readers’ Favorite award for religious-themed fiction.

This book is Free on February 10, 2022


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Thinking Differently and Inspirational Compilations: Free Religion eBooks

Think About the Kingdom on Kindle

Think About the Kingdom by J.W. Clark: Are you willing to pause just long enough to think differently about the Scripture? This book contains 31 thought-provoking reflections based on the Gospel of John designed to realign your thinking. This might be the best ten-minute investment you make today! Heaven and Earth are in the balance – to which kingdom do you belong?

This book is Free on February 9, 2022

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Google

Brave New Universe: One Man's View of All That Is on Kindle

Brave New Universe: One Man’s View of All That Is by Paul J. Salvatore: An uplifting and inspirational compilation of prose, poetry, and quotes that spans a variety of topics pertinent to today’s world. This book spans the range of human passion and is an easy read you may want to go back and refer to time and time again. The book is non-technical, contains real-world examples, and is sure to raise your heart and mind.

This book is Free on February 9, 2022


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Healing Powers and Great Stakes: Free Religion eBooks

Once Saved Always Saved, The Secret Rapture, The Prosperity Gospel: Seeker Sensitive Doctrines That Can Take You To Hell on Kindle

Once Saved Always Saved, The Secret Rapture, The Prosperity Gospel: Seeker Sensitive Doctrines That Can Take You To Hell by Henry Bechthold: According to the Bible, the stakes could not be greater. Jesus said the gate to Hell is wide, but the gate to Heaven is narrow and the way to Heaven is difficult. However, the doctrines of the Prosperity Gospel, the Secret Rapture, and Once Saved Always Saved say otherwise. These are traps of the enemy, and you must let the Word have the final say.

This book is Free on February 8, 2022


A Tale of Two Fathers on Kindle

A Tale of Two Fathers by Timothy Powell Jr.: This is my story. I had an abusive earthly father who left me emotionally scarred. But then I discovered God, my Heavenly Father, who protected and healed me through Jesus Christ. God has called me to share my story to help share His healing power with those who had childhood trauma and neglect.

This book is Free on February 8, 2022


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Strengthening Faith and Prophesied Events: Free Religion eBooks

The End of the World (The End of the World Book 1) on Kindle

The End of the World (The End of the World Book 1) by A. Bean: When the sky cracks open and the Biblical apocalypse unfolds, Wyatt Hughes must run for his life. Wars, famine, and pestilence outbreaks. One disaster after another leads Wyatt to a group of survivors living in an underground bunker. There he learns to strengthen his faith as much as his will to live. This is a Christian apocalypse story.

This book is Free on February 4, 2022


The Astrology Book for Men on Kindle

The Astrology Book for Men by Dylan Winton: Today, nearly twice as many women as men follow astrology, but that hasn’t always been the case. Astrology is thousands of years old and was used by both men and women in ancient cultures across the world from China to Rome. Why has astrology survived for so long, even in the face of modern science? Because astrology is useful.

This book is Free on February 4, 2022


Armageddon (Eden's Choice Book 3) on Kindle

Armageddon (Eden’s Choice Book 3) by T. Michael Childs: The status quo on Earth is about to change. God’s plan includes an end for the world in which we live. Armageddon sees the world through the eyes of those living the End Times. Secretly, guardians watch and ensure Man survives until the right time. Follow the prophesied events leading to the Plains of Megiddo and Armageddon… and beyond.

This book is Free on February 4, 2022


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Guardian Angels and Twin Hearts: Free Religion eBooks

Why Can't I Get This Jesus Thing Right? on Kindle

Why Can’t I Get This Jesus Thing Right? by Scott Schuler: Find the life-changing answer to the “why” in Why Can’t I get this Jesus Thing Right? The answer will draw you closer to Jesus than ever. “Every paragraph of this book is meaningful! It will change you.”

This book is Free on February 2, 2022


Pilgrims and Dwellers on Kindle

Pilgrims and Dwellers by Karen Geisler: Twelve-year-old Abe and his guardian angel, Zag, go forward in time to experience the chaos after Jesus returns for the believers, and the frightening events of the last days.

This book is Free on February 2, 2022


The Beating Of The Heart on Kindle

The Beating Of The Heart by Carmela Ben-Nun Moshe & Iris Gat: What heart hasn’t been through loneliness, when it has felt something crucial was missing from its life? What heart hasn’t yearned to find its twin heart, it’s one and only? Though the heart in the book embarks on the journey for lack of any other choice, during the journey it learns one or two things about love, and mostly about itself.

This book is Free on February 2, 2022


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Spiritual Means and God’s Light: Free Religion eBooks

Spiritual Fire: An Empowering Devotional to Help Women Conquer Anxiety and Create Inner Peace on Kindle

Spiritual Fire: An Empowering Devotional to Help Women Conquer Anxiety and Create Inner Peace by Melissa Hayward: For a long time, I felt anxious and overwhelmed, consumed by darkness. For a long time, I could barely function. It was only through devotions – studying and applying the Bible’s wisdom – that I began to see God’s light again. The empowering devotions in Spiritual Fire will guide you, strengthen you, deepen your faith and restore your inner peace.

This book is Free on February 1, 2022


A Living Lighthouse on Kindle

A Living Lighthouse by Richard Dietrich Maddox: The world is falling into chaos. Five young friends realize it is their responsibility to try to save the planet. They decide that this great mission can only be accomplished through spiritual means. Each day they are transported back in time and across space into the presence of a great spiritual teacher. Will the wisdom given to them be enough to help them set the world right?

This book is Free on February 1, 2022


Atomic Prayers that Destroy Witchcraft Powers and Silence Enemies (Prayer That Works 1) on Kindle

Atomic Prayers that Destroy Witchcraft Powers and Silence Enemies (Prayer That Works 1) by Tella Olayeri: This prayer book is meant to assist and improve Christians on how to pick the right words and sentences for prayer. It is divided into seven (7) sections. The first part is titled General prayer points. The other six categories contain prayer points each for: Breakthrough, Good Health, Job Seekers, Singles, Students, and Fruit of the Womb.

This book is Free on February 1, 2022

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The Blessing Book: Free Religion eBook

The Blessing Book on Kindle

The Blessing Book by Francis J. Shaw: This collection of 72 short reflections is a reminder there are no coincidences. Only connections to stumble upon and embrace. Invitations to see ourselves and our lives differently. You are not here by accident or mistake. You are neither small nor insignificant.

This book is Free on January 29, 2022


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