Gaining Skills and Rewarding Careers: Free Nonfiction eBooks
Life After This: 9 Chapters: History Shows We Have Contacted the Deceased and You Can Do It, Too by John Allen: Have you lost a loved one or are you about to? In this book, you will discover – how past civilizations recognized there is an afterlife, real-life stories of near-death experiences, how to identify when your loved one is present, how to communicate with the other side, and so much more. If you enjoy the book, please leave an Amazon review.
This book is Free on October 17, 2022
She Thinks Like a Boss: Cryptocurrency by Jemma Roedel: The real reason why there is a gender gap, and why more women need to invest in cryptocurrency, NFTs, and the Metaverse. All about the blockchain – uncover the center of all digital transactions and why it’s crucial to be a part of the world of cryptocurrency. Explore the different cryptos and gain the skills and strategies to maximize your return-on-investment.
This book is Free on October 17, 2022
Roth Conversion Secrets: The 5 Biggest Mistakes IRA Millionaires Make by Craig Wear: The subject of converting your IRA savings into Roth IRAs seems to be very controversial – and it shouldn’t be.
This book is Free on October 17, 2022
DASH Diet for Beginners by Julia E. Chatwin: In its annual rankings of diets, U.S. News & World Report called the DASH diet the best diet overall for eight years straight. This well-written and researched book reveals why. Up-to-date information on DASH, with a focus on sodium, its effects on the body, and how to reduce its intake. Includes a 28-day meal plan and lots of delicious recipes.
This book is Free on October 17, 2022